Monday, March 17, 2008

March 16, 2008

Our newest friend is expecting and due in a month or so, she has this puppy and with 2 kids at home decided it was just too much and asked if we wanted him. Ian was thrilled. She named him Sunny, we aren't sure if we'll change his name or not. He's a chorkie (1/2 chihuahua and 1/2 yorkshire terrier).

March 13, 2008

Its that time again...his first soccer practice was today, games start early April. This year he's chosen to only do soccer instead of 2 sports...whew, hehe.

March 12, 2008

This was left by my kiddo when he was playing computer games.

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10, 2008

My old doggie Carlito. Sometimes he looks like he is smiling...

March 9, 2008

Ian and his great-pawpaw....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

March 8, 2008

He got his tiger cub badge....awards banquet. An eventful Saturday, baked a cake with his grandpa because he had to bake a cake with a male only, no female assistance, for the banquet which the cakes were also judged, he won for largest cake and won a fishing pole, I won a free hair cut for him at the local barber in a door prize, and the weather was CRAZY today with snow all day and crazy roads....what a Saturday...

Friday, March 7, 2008

March 7, 2008

LISTS, LISTS, LISTS - Hello, my name is Diana, and I'm a list maker...I make lists for everything...budgets, groceries, gifts, cards, to-do, goals, crafts, shopping, even as far as things I need to ask the doctor when I go. I am constantly making lists. The one that makes my family laugh is the grocery list, because sometimes I will forget the list at home, or I will have the list, but forget to use they wonder why I bother...just my thing I guess. My youngest sister is a list-maker too. This is my new magnetic dry erase board - saving some trees and all y'all. Oh, the two blue-ish colored marble magnets, I made those! teehee. And the "got spam" sticker is from my trip to Hawaii this past summer, and the other thing is an invite to my friend's baby shower end of this month! Yay baby stuff...

March 6, 2008

M&M OCD - yep, I still do this. I've done it for years...when I have a regular size bag of M&Ms and a flat surface, I feel the urge to do this....line them up by color, though no particular order, but any broken or deformed pieces stay out of the line-up....then I eat the broken and deformed pieces first, then I eat the longest line down to where its even with the next longest line, then those 2 down to the next...etc etc until all the lines are the same length, then I eat from top to bottom until they are gone. Wierd, I know. I've only met 1 other person who does something very similar and wonder we get along good, haha.

March 5, 2008 - Mt. Dew -

Dad came by with this cool TIN Mt. Dew bottle, and I was looking on the site listed on the bottle - There are a few more I'd like to see in don't do them justice. If you click on the pic it will show you a larger version.

Funny, because I had a friend once tell me I'm "hippy-esque" and I asked what that means, and he said my demeanor, I'm laid back, I am a peaceful, pleasant person, I recycle and reuse (lol) and even my music is usually into that, ok, apparently that makes me a hippy-esque person? he said there's more to it than that, but that its a good thing....ok. lol.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 4, 2008

Ian's new friend didn't want her fish anymore and she gave them to Ian. On this day while Ian was at school I set it all up so he could see them when he got home. He was so excited. There are 8 fish, and he named them...see a theme?...

Anakin, Luke, Leigha, Han, Obi-wan, Yoda..and the two bottom feeders are Darth Sidious and Darth Vader...

haha. My kid loves Star Wars.

March 3, 2008

Finally got my area next to my desk up on the wall, calender which is blissfully EMPTY and my magnetic dry-erase board...within arms reach and a glance away, I feel more organized already hehe.

Monday, March 3, 2008

March 1, 2008

I got a new desk for myself, and decided to give Ian the old one, I bought some chalkboard paint a while back because I wanted to do something with it...the opportunity came this weekend when Ian was at his dad's, I painted part of the desk I'm giving him so he will have a chalkboard surface, this stuff is addicting!

Feb. 29, 2008

I grew up mostly in very warm climates: Hawaii, Florida, Texas and the most time spent in southern seeing snow flakes still puts me in awe...the first time I realized that snow flakes really DO look like the little paper ones we used to make in school....I was in awe when I first learned that, and still am.

I wish I had some pics from my evening on Friday, leap year was a nice time that I looking forward to for over a week, but this goofy one with a story is what you get. Stories are good too! Happy Leap Year as Ian said haha.

Feb. 28, 2008

The air was cold, but at the same time the snow was melting...this was some grass under where the melting snow by my apartment, it was dripping down causing a puddle and re-forming into ice over the grass blades. Ian said it looks like tentacles, ha.

Feb. 27, 2008

Ian had a snow day today, which was wierd because it was perfectly fine drivable weather...

Anyway, so we went to get the oil changed, and they had a play area for kids, so here's my kid, rockin out to "Wierd Science" on his iPod shuffle while playing with the desk, waiting for the oil change and tire was funny, singing loud, he made many people laugh that afternoon lol.

Feb. 25, 2008

My myspace home page....

Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb. 24, 2008

Grandpa's health is deteriorating quickly...he's had a rough beginning of the year, but by the summer he seemed so much better, but come fall he was on oxygen full time and around Christmas he was still himself, a little winded, but still goofing off, and walking around. Now he can't walk, he can barely talk, he doesn't recognize people sometimes, and other times he does...he didn't recognize me when I first went to his house on Sunday, he didn't know who I was and the look in his eyes was that he didn't know warmth, not a grandfather looking at his granddaughter....and I had to leave the room and have a big cry. By the time we left that evening, the recognition was back in his eyes, he knew who I was, and he told me "I love much" with his labored breathing talk....and he held my hand like this for half hour, if I moved my hand, he gripped tighter....and I want to remember that moment of him recognizing me and me seeing the love in his eyes, and the joy I felt that he remembered me before we left his house on Sunday, and him not wanting to let go of my hand.....I'm scared of losing him...

Feb. 22, 2008

After the basketball game, we goofed off with the camera, a wierd shot that came out of it lol....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

technical problems....

Ok, so I had to take my laptop in to get fixed yesterday. Its been saying I have a hard disk 2 failing for a few weeks now, and yesterday it finally stopped working to where it wouldn't even load up Windows, so I took it in. I just had the hard drive replaced 2-1/2 months ago, so I'm pretty pissed about it. Luckily I did purchase the extended warranty when I bought the darn thing last year. I can't find my software for my camera at this time, I know I had it, but when I was going through my room its been placed "somewhere" and I haven't finished putting together the rest of my room/office yet, so as soon as I get it all organized again, or get my laptop back, whichever comes first, I can upload pics. I distinctly remember about this time last year the same thing happened which stopped me from doing more 365 photo pics, so I'm HOPING this will not hinder my attempt this year....I'm still taking pics each day though, so check in soon and I will hopefully have this back up and running.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Feb. 21, 2008

Icicles from my car, which somehow made it into my freezer....I wonder how...ha. Sneaky kid.

Feb. 20, 2008

Ian had a snow day today and this time was well enough to go out and play in the snow.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feb. 19, 2008

Feb. 19, 2008

My flowers on my night stand, the view from my bed first thing in the morning...I love flowers....

Feb. 17, 2008

Feb. 17, 2008

My new bed with new sheets and new blanket, and new back feels fantastic!

Feb. 16, 2008

Feb. 16, 2008 - my room before changes

My bed for the last 4-1/2 years - a daybed - not good for my back, always waking up with pain in my back. This is as I took apart my desk, so its covered with stuff that was on my desk...I bought a new bed and new desk today...

Feb. 15, 2008

Feb. 15, 2008

Ian had a snow day

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Feb. 12, 2008

Ian's all better, going back to school, except today he had a snow day, so he decided he wanted to play on Club Penguin, his little interactive world...his screen name has the word Darth in it, like Darth Vader, hahaha....

Just an update: I'm still sick but getting better. :)

Feb. 9, 2008

Now I have the flu, too....this was my lowest temp at this point, before it was high of 103.5 and lowest 101.5 until I took my temp this time....

Feb. 7, 2008

home sick

Feb. 6, 2008

a slow month....

Feb. 3, 2008

My current desk situation. I work from home full time doing medical transcription, its not an exciting or well paying job, but the personal benefits for me and my son, with me being a single mom, has been a great trade-off in my eyes as I've been able to be home for him without depending on others to juggle schedules and this and that...I'm going to get a new desk hopefully this weekend coming up....yeah, that's Ian's toy on my desk, along with various other things that don't belong there...ha.

Feb. 2, 2008

A couch this friend of a friend is giving me, needs some vacuuming but looks so much better than the crappy couch I have now!!

Feb 1, 2008

The cat who belongs to a friend a friend....

playing catch up - JAN 30, 2008

My baby fell asleep watching a DVD on my laptop... Jan 30, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jan 26, 2008

My parents' dog, an old lab, and my sister's dog, who likes to sit on him when they play...hahaha...

Jan. 25, 2008

Ian's kiddie curtains I made for Ian in my one sewing venture. They match a set of curtains my mom made him, when we moved to thsi apartment his bedroom had 2 windows, so I had to make that set, he was 2 when we moved here. He's a huge Star Wars fan, so I bought him some fabric to make new curtains for his 7th birthday in April. He is gonna love it!

Jan. 23, 2008

My dog in the mud...looks bad, but he's inside most of the time, just a potty break, haha....bah.

Jan. 22, 2008

I got called by Ian's school today to pick him up, he had a fever. He's better now though.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Jan. 21, 2008


This is the top shelf of our 3 shelf bookcase in the living room. These are all of my 6-year-old's DVDs. JUST THE DVDs! And they overflow. The shelf below is my stuff, which has started to be taken over by his video games as well.

Jan 20, 1998


You may be wondering why I'm taking a pic of a nearly empty closet....well because it means I'm making some progress in my decluttering of it all. This is my bedroom closet, it was filled top to bottom with boxes of STUFF that I started to go through and then stopped, or just didn't know where to put so I'd stuff them in these boxes. So, for the last few days I've been slowly and carefully going through each box, and none of it has made it back in the closet! Yay!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

STARTING THIS AGAIN....1st day of 365 day photo challenge

Ok, so last year I had 2 computers crash on me, so I gave up, and this year I forgot about it until I was on flickr checking out something and noticed the 365 day photo challenge....

so I decided even though its late, I will do a 366 day challenge (it is leap year afterall), so I'm starting today, Saturday, Jan 19, 2008, photo a day...

Me, messing with the camera and timer, no make up, out of focus, but I don't care, ha....
