Friday, March 7, 2008

March 6, 2008

M&M OCD - yep, I still do this. I've done it for years...when I have a regular size bag of M&Ms and a flat surface, I feel the urge to do this....line them up by color, though no particular order, but any broken or deformed pieces stay out of the line-up....then I eat the broken and deformed pieces first, then I eat the longest line down to where its even with the next longest line, then those 2 down to the next...etc etc until all the lines are the same length, then I eat from top to bottom until they are gone. Wierd, I know. I've only met 1 other person who does something very similar and wonder we get along good, haha.

1 comment:

the_slayer_girl said...

OMG i can't believe you still do that, lol
